Magento Connect Error: „Access is locked. Please try again in a few minutes.“ (solution)

25. Oktober 2016 at 15:37


First Solution

Check the file var/brute-force.ini in the Magento-Root-Folder. The Content is like this:

brute-force-bad-attempts-count = 0
brute-force-diff-time-to-attempt = 180

Set the content to this and try again. If it not work check the second solution now!

Second Solution

A other reason behind that is that the Magento Connect Manager has not been initiated by a previous install/upgrade. It could be because this store has been installed by transferring files via FTP.

Thus, the only method to upgrade you’ve got is by the CLI.

First, you need to ensure the permissions are right:

chmod 550 ./mage

Then you’ve got to initiate the mage:

./mage mage-setup .

And set your preferred state for the configuration:

./mage config-set preferred_state stable

Now, with a previously setup mage you could have run the following:

./mage list-installed
./mage list-upgrades

And then upgrade like this:

./mage upgrade-all

But in your case this won’t list nor upgrade and you’ll have to force the install of the upgrade by doing the following:

./mage install Mage_All_Latest --force

Once the upgrade is done, don’t forget to reindex:

php shell/indexer.php reindexall

NB: after this upgrade, you’ll be able to see the list of packages in the connect manager.


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Data Migration from SEOShop to Magento – Migration Tool for SEOShop to Magento available

23. August 2016 at 18:48

magento ecommerce logo

I’m developed a SEOShop to Magento Migration Tool now for a customer.

If anyone searching a migration-tool which migrate all data (orders, products, categories, media-data, invoices, etc. pp.) feel free to connect me by email and I can offer you an fair offer! 🙂

It is also possible to use this SEOShop to Magento as Sync-Connector which transfer data automatically …

Magento: Add admin user with MySQL statement in the database

4. April 2016 at 11:34


This script quickly adds a Magento Admin user directly into the database. It is possible to run this script from the command line or by copying and pasting into phpMyAdmin. Just make sure to edit the following fields with your personalized data and import. Most of these fields are trivial, I’m just listing them so you don’t miss anything.

Set the salt portion of your password. You’ll rarely need to change this. If you do, just use two lower case letters of your choice.
Set your password. At least 8 characters in length and at least one digit.
Firstname: Enter admin’s first name.
Lastname: Enter admin’s last name.
Enter email of admin user.
Enter username where ‘myuser’ is set. Notice ‘myuser’ shows up in two places.
Enter Firstname again. This is more symbolic to label the rule.

LOCK TABLES `admin_role` WRITE , `admin_user` WRITE;
SET @SALT = "rp";
SET @PASS = CONCAT(MD5(CONCAT( @SALT , "password") ), CONCAT(":", @SALT ));
SELECT @EXTRA := MAX(extra) FROM admin_user WHERE extra IS NOT NULL;
INSERT INTO `admin_user` (firstname,lastname,email,username,password,created,lognum,reload_acl_flag,is_active,extra,rp_token_created_at)
VALUES ('Firstname','Lastname','','myuser',@PASS,NOW(),0,0,1,@EXTRA,NOW());
INSERT INTO `admin_role` (parent_id,tree_level,sort_order,role_type,user_id,role_name)
VALUES (1,2,0,'U',(SELECT user_id FROM admin_user WHERE username = 'myuser'),'Firstname');

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Magento: A foreign key constraint fails when reindex – Solution

30. März 2016 at 14:08


Just execute the query in the database.

TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_bundle_option`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_bundle_option_value`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_bundle_selection`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_entity_datetime`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_entity_decimal`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_entity_gallery`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_entity_int`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_entity_media_gallery`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_entity_media_gallery_value`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_entity_text`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_entity_tier_price`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_entity_varchar`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_link`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_link_attribute`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_link_attribute_decimal`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_link_attribute_int`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_link_attribute_varchar`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_link_type`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_option`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_option_price`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_option_title`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_option_type_price`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_option_type_title`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_option_type_value`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_super_attribute_label`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_super_attribute_pricing`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_super_attribute`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_super_link`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_enabled_index`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_website`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_category_product_index`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_category_product`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `cataloginventory_stock_item`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `cataloginventory_stock_status`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `cataloginventory_stock`;
INSERT INTO `catalog_product_link_type`(`link_type_id`,`code`) VALUES (1,'relation'),(2,'bundle'),(3,'super'),(4,'up_sell'),(5,'cross_sell');
INSERT INTO `catalog_product_link_attribute`(`product_link_attribute_id`,`link_type_id`,`product_link_attribute_code`,`data_type`) VALUES (1,2,'qty','decimal'),(2,1,'position','int'),(3,4,'position','int'),(4,5,'position','int'),(6,1,'qty','decimal'),(7,3,'position','int'),(8,3,'qty','decimal');
INSERT INTO `cataloginventory_stock`(`stock_id`,`stock_name`) VALUES (1,'Default');
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_entity`;

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Magento: Delete all categories with sql

23. März 2016 at 10:44


To delete all categories in Magento about sql you can use the following query.

If you has more than 3 stores, you must extend the entry „catalog_product_flat_1;“ with your store-id, e.g.:

DELETE FROM catalog_product_flat_3;
DELETE FROM catalog_product_flat_4;

and so on …

TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_category_entity`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_bundle_option`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_bundle_option_value`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_bundle_selection`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_entity_datetime`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_entity_decimal`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_entity_gallery`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_entity_int`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_entity_media_gallery`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_entity_media_gallery_value`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_entity_text`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_entity_tier_price`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_entity_varchar`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_link`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_link_attribute`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_link_attribute_decimal`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_link_attribute_int`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_link_attribute_varchar`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_link_type`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_option`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_option_price`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_option_title`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_option_type_price`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_option_type_title`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_option_type_value`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_super_attribute`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_super_attribute_label`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_super_attribute_pricing`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_super_link`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_enabled_index`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_website`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_entity`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `cataloginventory_stock`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `cataloginventory_stock_item`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `cataloginventory_stock_status`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_link`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_link_type`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_option`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_option_type_value`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_super_attribute`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_entity`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `cataloginventory_stock`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_category_product`;
DELETE FROM catalog_product_flat_1;
DELETE FROM catalog_product_flat_2;
DELETE FROM catalog_product_flat_3;
insert  into `catalog_product_link_type`(`link_type_id`,`code`) values (1,'relation'),(2,'bundle'),(3,'super'),(4,'up_sell'),(5,'cross_sell');
insert  into `catalog_product_link_attribute`(`product_link_attribute_id`,`link_type_id`,`product_link_attribute_code`,`data_type`) values (1,2,'qty','decimal'),(2,1,'position','int'),(3,4,'position','int'),(4,5,'position','int'),(6,1,'qty','decimal'),(7,3,'position','int'),(8,3,'qty','decimal');
insert  into `cataloginventory_stock`(`stock_id`,`stock_name`) values (1,'Default');

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Magento: How to easily Debug Layout Xml Warning/Error?

16. März 2016 at 16:30


If you get an error like „Warning: simplexml_load_string(): Entity: line 46: parser error : Comment not terminated in */lib/Varien/Simplexml/Config.php on line 510

in Magento you can do one of the following solution to solve this XML error.

This warning is related to some config.xml error, so a possible workaround to find out the exact file is to mod. the /lib/Varien/Simplexml/Config.php class.

You should modify Varien_Simplexml_Config::loadString() method:

public function loadString($string)
if (is_string($string)) {
// Enable internal errors
$xml = simplexml_load_string($string, $this->_elementClass);
if (false === $xml) {
// Put breakpoint here
$errors = libxml_get_errors();
if ($xml instanceof Varien_Simplexml_Element) {
$this->_xml = $xml;
return true;
} else {
Mage::logException(new Exception('"$string" parameter for simplexml_load_string is not a string'));
return false;

In case the error is related to some Layout file ( Update.php line 444 warning )

You should modify Mage_Core_Model_Layout_Update::getFileLayoutUpdatesXml() method in a similar way:

public function getFileLayoutUpdatesXml($area, $package, $theme, $storeId = null)
if (null === $storeId) {
$storeId = Mage::app()->getStore()->getId();
/* @var $design Mage_Core_Model_Design_Package */
$design = Mage::getSingleton('core/design_package');
$layoutXml = null;
$elementClass = $this->getElementClass();
$updatesRoot = Mage::app()->getConfig()->getNode($area.'/layout/updates');
Mage::dispatchEvent('core_layout_update_updates_get_after', array('updates' => $updatesRoot));
$updateFiles = array();
foreach ($updatesRoot->children() as $updateNode) {
if ($updateNode->file) {
$module = $updateNode->getAttribute('module');
if ($module && Mage::getStoreConfigFlag('advanced/modules_disable_output/' . $module, $storeId)) {
$updateFiles[] = (string)$updateNode->file;
// custom local layout updates file - load always last
$updateFiles[] = 'local.xml';
$layoutStr = '';
foreach ($updateFiles as $file) {
$filename = $design->getLayoutFilename($file, array(
'_area'    => $area,
'_package' => $package,
'_theme'   => $theme
if (!is_readable($filename)) {
$fileStr = file_get_contents($filename);
$fileStr = str_replace($this->_subst['from'], $this->_subst['to'], $fileStr);
$fileXml = simplexml_load_string($fileStr, $elementClass);
if (false === $fileXml) {
// Put breakpoint here
$errors = libxml_get_errors();
$err = array($filename, $errors);
// error detail and file name will be printed
if (!$fileXml instanceof SimpleXMLElement) {
$layoutStr .= $fileXml->innerXml();
$layoutXml = simplexml_load_string('<layouts>'.$layoutStr.'</layouts>', $elementClass);
return $layoutXml;

Now just reload the page a read the error info.

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Magento Upgrade Conflict issue / SUPEE-6788 security patch – Solution for this problem

10. November 2015 at 11:25


Magento has released a new upgrade for Magento which includes the SUPEE-6788 Patch Bundle. Note that this upgrade can break some modules which are not correctly coded.

I have tested the upgrade thru Magento Connect Manager but it failed.

I am testing in Linux Bash / Windows CLI:

chmod 755 mage
sudo -u www-data ./mage list-upgrades
sudo -u www-data ./mage upgrade-all

I have the same error in command line

upgrade-all: Failed to delete files: /home/data/www/magento_dev/./pkginfo/Mage_All_Latest.txt
Check permissions
upgrade-all: Package community/Interface_Adminhtml_Default conflicts with: community/Mage_All_Latest
upgrade-all: Package community/Interface_Frontend_Default conflicts with: community/Mage_All_Latest
upgrade-all: Package community/Interface_Install_Default conflicts with: community/Mage_All_Latest
upgrade-all: Package community/Mage_Downloader conflicts with: community/Mage_All_Latest
upgrade-all: Package community/Mage_Centinel conflicts with: community/Mage_All_Latest

On stack exchange, there are some idea how to proceed.

Solution – First Step

cd pkginfo
# rm -Rf Mage_All_Latest.txt Mage_All.txt
# cd ..
# sudo -u www-data ./mage upgrade-all
Installing package community/Mage_All_Latest
Package community/Mage_All_Latest installed successfully
Starting to download Interface_Adminhtml_Default- ...
...done: 1,014,275 bytes
Installing package community/Interface_Adminhtml_Default
Package community/Interface_Adminhtml_Default installed successfully
Starting to download Interface_Frontend_Default- ...
...done: 747,738 bytes
Installing package community/Interface_Frontend_Default

Now delete the maintenance.flag file and your shop is updated and online! 🙂

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Magento MySQL Database Error: MySQL server has gone away

7. Oktober 2015 at 15:51


If you get an exception error like this in the Magento Exception-Log-File:

ERR (3): exception ‚PDOException‘ with message ‚SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2006 MySQL server has gone away‘ in …/lib/Zend/Db/Statement/Pdo.php:228 Stack trace:

Explanation: It is clearly visible that this is the MySQL timeout error. When you are using shared hosting and you get the huge traffic, so in this case a huge requests sends to MySQL and your request wait for a long time and finally timeout. Another case, If there is one DB connection and fetch some data from DB and do some stuff longer than DB timeout and now if you try to fetch data with same connection you will get the error MySQL server has gone away.

Solutions: You should use dedicated hosting if you are getting a huge traffic to your website instead of shared hosting. Secondly, you should close the DB connection after fetching data and create new DB connection to fetch data again and close the DB connection. If the problem remain same then you need to increase wait_timeout, connect_timeout and max_allowed_packet in my.ini or my.cnf file.

I have changed my my.ini settings as below:
max_allowed_packet = 32M
wait_timeout = 1800
connect_timeout = 120

To change these in your mysql’s my.cnf/my.ini configuration file follow below steps:
For windows: open mysql-install-dir/bin/my.ini and set wait_timeout = 1800 , max_allowed_packet = 32M and connect_timeout = 120 then save and restart mysql server.

For Linux: open /etc/mysql/my.cnf and set wait_timeout = 1800 , max_allowed_packet = 32M and connect_timeout = 120 then save and restart mysql server.

This solution solved my problem of SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2006 MySQL server has gone away.

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Magento: Access Denied errors after installing SUPEE-6285 or since Magento – ACL Error – Solution

13. August 2015 at 15:06

If you use restricted admin accounts, some menus of third party extensions might not work anymore for them. The reason is that the default return value of Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action::_isAllowed() has been changed from true to Mage::getSingleton(‚admin/session‘)->isAllowed(‚admin‘). Extensions that do not override this method in their admin controllers because they don’t use the ACL, now need the „ALL“ privilege.

The only solution is to patch the extensions and add this method to all their admin controllers:

protected function _isAllowed()
  return true;

Or if they actually have an ACL resource defined in etc/adminhtml.xml:

protected function _isAllowed()
  return Mage::getSingleton('admin/session')->isAllowed('ENTER RESOURCE IDENTIFIER HERE'); //e.g. 'admin/sales/productreturn'</pre>


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Magento: Product options are wrong if order edit in admin and last order article is taken

15. Juli 2015 at 12:48

php code

If you edit an order and take over last article it is possible that the wrong product options are mapped.

The reason is that the wrong options are taken – not the „options“ taken – magento get the „info_buyRequest“-options from the database, but sometimes the „options“ array has the options data that you need.

You can solve this problem with overwriting the „getBuyRequest()“ function in app/code/local/Mage/Sales/Model/Order/Item.php with this php code:

 * Returns formatted buy request - object, holding request received from
 * product view page with keys and options for configured product
 * @return Varien_Object
public function getBuyRequest()
    $option = $this-&gt;getProductOptionByCode('info_buyRequest');   // this get the wrong options
    $option2 = $this-&gt;getProductOptionByCode('options');
    foreach($option2 as $option_tmp) {
        if($option_tmp['option_type'] == 'area'
            || $option_tmp['option_type'] == 'file'
            || $option_tmp['option_type'] == 'field'
            || $option_tmp['option_type'] == 'date'
            || $option_tmp['option_type'] == 'date_time'
            || $option_tmp['option_type'] == 'time'
        ) {
            $option['options'][$option_tmp['option_id']] = $option_tmp['value'];
        } elseif($option_tmp['option_type'] == 'drop_down'
            &amp;&amp; $option_tmp['label'] == 'Farbe'
            &amp;&amp; $productOptions = $this-&gt;getProduct()-&gt;getOptions()[$option_tmp['option_id']]-&gt;getValues()
        ) {
            foreach($productOptions as $productOption) {
                if($productOption-&gt;getData('title') == $option_tmp['value']) {
                    $option['options'][$option_tmp['option_id']] = $productOption-&gt;getData('option_type_id');
        } else {
            $option['options'][$option_tmp['option_id']][0] = $option_tmp['option_value'];
    unset($option2, $option_tmp, $productModel, $attr);
    if (!$option) {
        $option = array();
    $buyRequest = new Varien_Object($option);
    $buyRequest-&gt;setQty($this-&gt;getQtyOrdered() * 1);
    return $buyRequest;


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