Zendstudio Update auf 8.0.1

24. Mai 2011 at 11:11

Es gibt ein neues ZendStudio Update auf version 8.0.1, folgende wichtige Änderungen gab es:

[fixed] In large PHP files (over 2000 lines) code parsing was very slow.
[fixed] Built-In PHP executables crashed on Warning or Error during local run/debug.
[fixed] JavaScript Validator threw Java Null Pointer Exception.
[fixed] Error „Unsupported Content Type“ occurred when opening a PHP file from the SVN Repositories or CVS Repositories view.
[fixed] Using the keyboard shortcut Toggle Breakpoint (Ctrl+Shift+B) resulted in a breakpoint of a wrong type (JS instead of PHP). NB: the fix will work only after workspace reset.
[fixed] Hyperlinks in tooltips were not working.
[fixed] Code Formatter used to remove the leading backslash in namespaced paths.
[fixed] When opening the Project Properties through the main menu (Project | Properties) the Remote Server Support page was not available.
[fixed] Refactor/Rename keyboard shortcut (Shift+Alt+R) was not working due to a conflict.

[improvement] Remote Server Support does not perform full re-scan of the remote resources, unless necessary.
[improvement] The Remote Search page has been removed from the Search dialog, because this functionality does not exist.
[improvement] Added keyboard shortcuts for file upload/download in Remote Server Support (Shift+Alt+P,U and Shift+Alt+P,D).
[improvement] PHP 5.3 is the new workspace default.

[update] Zend Framework Example Project (Guestbook) has been updated to the latest version from the Zend Framework project site.

Sollte bei euch nicht der Auto-Update anspringen, geht wie folgt vor:

  1. Go to Help | Install New Software
  2. Set Work With field to: http://zend.com/studio/8.0.1/update and hit enter
  3. Hit Select All, click Next and follow the instructions
Daniel Briegert

Daniel Briegert

xing: https://www.xing.com/profile/Daniel_Briegert

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